2023 Vava Voom – The Visual AIDS Vanguard Awards ndlela May 29, 2023 Events, My Photos, My Videos I had a great time at the The 2023 Vava Voom hosted by Visual AIDS.  The Visual AIDS Vanguard Awards honored Lambent Foundation, Antonio Sergio Bessa, and Carlos Gutierrez-Solana at Houston Hall on May 15 in... Read More...
Kwanzaa for the Filmmaker – Umoja (10 years Anniversary) ndlela December 26, 2022 My Videos, My Work I can't believe it has been 10 years since I recorded these videos in Brookline, MA. It has been weird, fun, affirming to watch these. Recap Notes Think about the skills and resources you bring to t... Read More...
NYFF17: ‘Joan Didion: The Center Will Not Hold’ (Q&A /w Griffin Dunne) ndlela January 10, 2018 My Videos, Web Videos I was excited to shoot the Griffin Dunne Q&A for his film about his aunt Joan Didion. I have loved her since I read her Vogue essay "On Self Respect" as a teenager. I had recorded a great documentary film... Read More...
NYFF 2017: ‘Zama’ (Q&A w/Lucrecia Martel) ndlela January 8, 2018 My Videos, Web Videos I had the pleasure of shooting several of the Q&As and panels at the New York Film Festival 2017.  The first one I shot was for the critically acclaimed Argentinian film Zama with the film's director Lu... Read More...
[VIDEO] NYC Vigil for Orlando 06/13/16 ndlela June 15, 2016 My Videos Here are some snippets from the huge vigil held in the West Village on Monday June 13, 2016. NYC Vigil for Orlando 06/13/16 from ndlela nkobi on Vimeo.... Read More...
[VIDEO] 2016 Sixth Annual Bronx LGBTQ Pride Ceremony ndlela June 13, 2016 My Videos This was shot at the Sixth Annual Bronx Borough President & Allies LGBTQ Pride Awards Ceremony on 06/01/16 at Billy’s Sports Bar in the Bronx. ... Read More...
[Video] Ndlela interviews Burnadair Lipscomb-Hunt ndlela June 6, 2016 Inerview, My Videos This is part of an interview I did with my my friend actress Burnadair Lipscomb-Hunt earlier this year. ... Read More...
April Film Challenge 2015: Day 21 [Empire State Building Peek-a-Boo] ndlela April 20, 2015 filmmaking, My Videos I wanted to play around with reversing footage (the 2nd half of the video) and seeing what issues I might have to deal with to try to make it look like a continuous shot. Â The main issue was, of course, the ca... Read More...
April Film Challenge 2015: Day 8 [First GoPro Bike Ride (Bronx, NY)] ndlela April 8, 2015 filmmaking, My Videos This is my third public video in the April Film challenge. I was finally able to get some bike footage with my GoPro after dealing with the frustration of having SD card errors for several days (very frust... Read More...
April Film Challenge 2015: Day 3 [Grand Army Plaza New Year’s Eve Fireworks 2014] ndlela April 3, 2015 filmmaking, My Videos This the 2nd video in my  April Film challenge. I finally edited this video.  People who know me well knows how much I love to shoot fireworks (like this and this or this.)  I have way too much unedited f... Read More...
April Film Challenge 2015: Day 1 [Dreams: Breakfast Tease] ndlela April 1, 2015 filmmaking, My Videos 12 Happy April Fools! So there I was minding my own business at the writing workshop (<- best workshops evah!!) I am a part of when Annique (one of my fellow writers) told me about a challenge she had though... Read More...