Brief Bio Ndlela Nkobi is a filmmaker and online video content creator based in New York City and Johannesburg. He works with small businesses, nonprofits, consultants and artists to connect with their clients through the use of video. Ndlela Nkobi has worked for Center for New Media Teaching and Learning (Columbia University) and Third Sector New England (Boston, MA).  He has worked with Center for Environmental Research and Conservation (Columbia University), New York City Department of Education, Nonprofit Consultants Network (Boston, MA) and Starr King School for the Ministry (Berkeley, CA). You can see his work at About the Site This is where I play, connect and try things out.  It feels like I have my own channel and I get to program it however I like.  This website has been around for many years in different incarnations and I am excited about this iteration of it. I only review films that I like. I don’t quite see the point of spending a whole lot of time shooting and editing a whole review about something I hated when I could be out creating something.  Look out of interviews with artists (mostly filmmakers) coming soon. I am always on the lookout for artistic collaborators. My primary focus is writing and directing narrative film/video. Most of my work has been shooting, editing and producing film/video.